Discover beneath the surface

with a deeper exploration

Discover more about your blood, hormones and heavy metals with our convenient at-home lab testing kits.

Biomarker Analysis

It has never been this easy to take control of your health.

The DexaFit difference

With DexaFit

1. Get a testing kit to complete at home.

2. Own your health from home

3. Easy-to-understand results available online

  • Lab testing made easy

    Gauge the levels of key chemicals in your body

    These include micronutrients, hormones, and heavy metals. All biomarkers appear on a scale as either at, above, or below optimal levels.

    Track progress.

    Your biomarkers are like snapshots that help you track progress and measure the effectiveness of your habits over time. 

    Paint a clearer picture of your health.

    Blood data helps both you and your doctor understand your body better.

  • Results you can understand

    Go far beyond the scope of a standard panel

    Standard blood tests look for problems, take weeks to process, and need a doctor’s explanation. They only supply surface data.

    DexaFit tests underscore opportunities, usually process within a week, and are explained online.

    They go deep.

    +Discover your optimal zones based on your age, gender, ethnicity, activity levels and goals

    +Get recommendations to help you optimize your out-of-range biomarkers

    +Track your progress with a cutting-edge platform helps you track your progress over time and measure the effectiveness of your plan

  • Simple Process

    1) Purchase your test

    Select an at-home kit panel tailored exactly to your needs and goals. Purchase an at-home kit online and pick it up at DexaFit West Houston.

    2) Sample

    Perform the test at home (it’s a finger prick) and mail it out or we can administer it in office for you.

    3) Your results are sent to your inbox

    Find out where you stand on essential biomarkers, based on your demographics. Get your recommendations.

  • An exclusive panel of men’s health-specific biomarkers critical for any athlete, exercise enthusiast or any man who cares about how he looks, feels, and performs.

  • Adrenal Health:

    E2, T, PSA, SHBG, DS, C, TSH, fT3, fT4, TPOab,

    Heart, Metabolism, and Inflammation:

    In, hsCRP, HbA1c, TG, CH, HDL, LDL, VLDL, Vit D (D-25-OH)

    Heavy Metals:

    Hg, Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, Se, Mg

  • ● Fatigue or Feeling Tired

    ● Depression

    ● Weakness

    ● Joint Pain

    ● Muscle Pain

    ● Skin Issues

    ● Bloating

    ● Abdominal Pain

    ● Changes in Bowel Habits

    ● Elevated Blood Sugar

    ● Elevated Blood Pressure

    ● Allergies

    ● Asthma

    ● Weight Loss

    ● Sleep Disturbance

    ● Skin Issues

    ● Headaches or Migraines

    ● Hair Loss

    ● Weight Gain

    ● Increased Body Fat

    ● Decreased Muscle

At-Home Testing Kits

  • An exclusive panel of women’s health-specific biomarkers identifying hormone imbalances and nutrient deficiencies that affect sleep, energy, longevity, and mood.

  • Adrenal Health:

    E2, Pg, T, SHBG, DS, C, TSH, fT3, fT4, TPOab

    Heart, Metabolic, and Inflammatory Health:

    In, hsCRP, HbA1c, TG, CH, HDL, LDL, VLDL, Vit D (D-25-OH)

    Heavy Metals:

    Hg, Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, Se, Mg

  • ● Fatigue or Feeling Tired

    ● Depression

    ● Weakness

    ● Joint Pain

    ● Muscle Pain

    ● Skin Issues

    ● Bloating

    ● Abdominal Pain

    ● Changes in Bowel Habits

    ● Elevated Blood Sugar

    ● Elevated Blood Pressure

    ● Allergies

    ● Asthma

    ● Weight Loss

    ● Sleep Disturbance

    ● Skin Issues

    ● Headaches or Migraines

    ● Hair Loss

    ● Weight Gain

    ● Increased Body Fat

    ● Decreased Muscle Mass

    ● Low Sex Drive

    ● Weakness

    ● Mental Fatigue or Brain Fog

    ● Lack of Concentration

  • Take a comprehensive look at your heart health and the overall state of inflammation in your body.

  • Heart, Metabolic, and Inflammatory Health:

    In, hsCRP, HbA1c, TG, CH, HDL, LDL, VLDL

  • ● Fatigue or Feeling

    ● Tired

    ● Depression

    ● Weakness

    ● Joint Pain

    ● Muscle Pain

    ● Skin Issues

    ● Bloating

    ● Abdominal Pain

    ● Changes in Bowel

    ● Habits

    ● Elevated Blood Sugar

    ● Elevated Blood

    ● Pressure

    ● Allergies

    ● Asthma

  • Measure the essential hormones affecting your mood, weight, mental focus, sex drive, muscle mass, and energy levels.

  • Adrenal Health:

    E2, T, PSA, SHBG, DS, C, TSH, fT3, fT4, TPOab,

  • ● Fatigue or Feeling Tired

    ● Weight Gain

    ● Increased Body Fat

    ● Decreased Muscle Mass

    ● Sleep Disturbance

    ● Low Sex Drive

    ● Weakness

    ● Depression

    ● Mental Fatigue

    ● Lack of Concentration

    ● Headaches or Migraines

    ● Bloating

    ● Hair Loss

  • See if different hormones are balanced in your body or if imbalances are causing your weight gain, fatigue, low sex drive, or other symptoms.

  • Adrenal Health:

    E2, Pg, T, SHBG, DS, C, TSH, fT3, fT4, TPOab

  • ● Fatigue or Feeling Tired

    ● Weight Gain

    ● Increased Body Fat

    ● Irregular Periods

    ● Cold Intolerance

    ● Heat Intolerance

    ● Hot Flashes

    ● Night Sweats

    ● Depression

    ● Sleep Disturbance

    ● Low Sex Drive

    ● Mental Fatigue

    ● Lack of Concentration

    ● Headaches or Migraines

    ● Bloating

    ● Hair Loss

    ● Infertility

  • Uncover potential causes of poor sleep and chronic stress in your life affecting how you look, feel, and perform.

  • Adrenal Stress: Saliva:

    DS, Cx4 Vitamin D

  • ● Fatigue or Feeling Tired

    ● Weight Gain

    ● Depression

    ● Sleep Disturbance

    ● Mental Fatigue

    ● Lack of Concentration

    ● Increased Appetite

    ● Sugar Cravings

    ● Irritability

  • Understand how your thyroid is working and find out the source of your fatigue, sensitivity to cold, or trouble losing weight.

  • TSH, fT3, fT4, TPOa, Vitamin D

  • Symptoms of Hypothyroidism:

    ● Sluggishness and Fatigue or Feeling Tired

    ● Weight Gain

    ● Muscle Weakness, Aches, Tenderness

    ● Depression

    ● Cold Sensitivity

    ● Mental Fogginess

    ● Irregular Periods

    ● Constipation

    ● Dry Skin and Thinning Hair

    ● High Blood Sugar

    ● High Cholesterol

    Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism:

    ● Unexpected Weight Loss

    ● Rapid Heartbeat

    ● Increased Appetite

    ● Nervousness and Anxiousness

    ● Shaking or Trembling

    ● Frequent Sweating

    ● Heat Sensitivity

    ● More Frequent Bowel

Select Kit

As easy as:

Choose your test. Own your health from home.

Sample and Send

Take a sample in the comfort of home. Mail it to the lab.

View Results

Get simple to understand results and recommendations.

The adrenal female test provided invaluable insight into my hormonal health. With precise results and tailored recommendations, I feel empowered to optimize my well-being. Highly recommend for anyone seeking clarity on adrenal function.

-Emma Davis